Light Path Enterprises

creativity, soul energy, community sharing to open pathways of peace, healing, and joy

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The Light Path Enterprise Archive has been moved to

For a $5 subscription fee to support the archive, you will have unlimited access to classes’ and meditations’ audio mp3 files and pdf files, and Light Beings channeled lessons on the joy of Light Consciousness.

With this new service, each week, some of the archive will be uploaded until it is complete. During creating the site, I will be offering new lessons and talks.

Thank you for your patience with the change of site ~  Mariah

Introduction to the work

The Light Beings

First Channel Lecture – The Choice

10 minutes

For a pdf copy of this talk click here

The Sacred Self by Mariah Martin

5 min guided meditation

Meet Mariah Martin, MA, MS


Mariah has worked in the fields of consciousness evolution, education, and spirituality for over 50 years. Her passion is using creativity, soul energy, and community sharing to open pathways of peace, healing, and joy. She has taught at several colleges and consulted with organizations on utilizing the creative power of conscious actions, thoughts, and relationships. Over the years, Mariah has traveled extensively – channeling, teaching, and lecturing on the benefits and ways to integrate intuition with personality and spiritual development. As part of living consciously and joyfully Mariah writes adult novels with a soul theme.

Lotus Flower - Light Path Enterprises - Mariah Martin


Bookstore Butterfly - Mariah Martin - Light Path Enterprises
Light Beings - We Speak - written by Mariah Martin - Light Path Enterprises

The Light Beings have been instrumental in fostering spiritual evolution of humanity. For almost 20 years, a group in the Boston area committed to activating light consciousness welcomed sharing wisdom with the Light Beings. This book presents 9 of those sessions of channeling about relevant core aspects of consciousness pertinent to living peacefully in these times.

Light Path Enterprise - Mariah Martin

In THE LIGHT, Emma takes on a new challenge. Her visions reveal her mother’s secret past. Though shocked by the truth, can Emma believe messages that are sent to her from the light realm in order to save her mother’s life? Inspired by the energy of the visions that come to her in a beam of light, Emma goes on a search to uncover the tragedy hidden in her mother’s past.

The search involves family betrayals, racial tensions, adoption traumas, hidden crime, spiritual rituals, out-of-body experiences, and new love.

Will the torn threads of her heart’s connections be rewoven? Will she be able to mend the rip in her family’s tapestry in time to save her mother?

Light Beings - We Speak - written by Mariah Martin - Light Path Enterprises

Client Experiences

To view the testimonials manually, hover over the testimonial and click the arrow

S. Letendre, Social Justice Advocate

Taking Mariah’s series of workshops during a difficult time with international negotiations in my job was a blessing. Ms. Martin guided me through a process of deep communication which allowed me to get in touch with the real reasons behind the difficulties,.something my partner in another country was not able to do directly. It changed the tenor of the conversation in a very positive way

Norman Austin, Prof of Classics Emeritus (Author of books and essays on classical authors)

When I first consulted Mariah some forty years ago, I was taken by surprise by her first observation. She told me something about my present state of mind, which was completely unexpected, and explained how it was affecting my health.  Over the years I have come to understand that Mariah is a shaman.

In our secular age, we don’t know much about the cultures where shamans were once highly honored by their cultures, but we have learned that shamans could go into a trance, and in the trance state pass over to the other side, and then bring information of benefit to their community.  This, I believe, is what Mariah does.

Once she has asked the Light Beings to protect and guide us, she then opens herself up to a vision, which comes perhaps from our own subconscious, and then we discuss the implications of that vision. I am grateful to Mariah for the insights that she has gleaned with her shamanic skills to guide me on my path, and I am grateful also for what she has done to assist me to develop my own shamanic skills.

James M Schelble, PhD Psychologist

There are few human beings who have the authentic capacity to connect with our angels and/or guiding light beings. Mariah Martin has this wonderful gift. As close friend and fellow enteric traveler since 1967 l have been the recipient of her gifts. As a psychologist, her readings or transmissions over the years have left me in awe of God’s Grace, as Mariah delivers spiritual guidance to all those who seek god’s comfort while Mariah remains an unfettered witness, as she should be.

Nancy, Healer

Often, over the past 25 or so years, I have asked Mariah for a reading. The Light Beings have been helpful with health and relationship issues and much more, giving me new perspectives to think about. As a healer and counselor, I know how important it is to think outside the box, and boy does this do that for me. I am surprised and thankful for their wisdom and caring.

Linda, Artist/Educator

I have visited Mariah Martin 1X a year for the last fourteen years. The enlightening, healing messages I accept from her readings always carry me to my center self. Mariah is a gifted and loving soul.

Peter Swan

I have had the distinct pleasure to have a number of readings from Mariah. I am a full time jazz musician, specifically a drummer, and a bandleader and teacher.

I have found Mariah’s insights to be extremely helpful. She has both a unique psychic ability and an artistic awareness from her own life experience. I remember one in particular that I was dealing about questions regarding being a musician and how to grow. Mariah, recommended the work of a friend of hers, that focused on using natural sounds as an inspiration for his music .  Another reading focused on dealing with the passing of my mother and her insights were so helpful in accepting the transition process.  I highly recommend Mariah’s readings as a way to gain a unique perspective on any issue one is facing in the process of being alive.  

DSC: Psychotherapist, counselor, life/spiritual coach, SF, CA

Mariah Martin has an exceptional gift for illuminating the gap between the seen and unseen worlds. Her readings have provided me with missing links, assisting me to gain clarity on the bigger picture while offering practical suggestions… I highly recommend her services.

Trisha, L.M.T.

The Play Workshops invite us to take off our serious adult hats and remember our child selves. Tapping into the creative experience brings new ways of seeing old issues. Plus, you meet a lot of new people you have a lot in common with. Here’s to Mariah and Susan’s devotion to expanding our inner pathways with light, humor, and clarity. “Soul Talk” best describes my reading sessions with Mariah. A conduit who, in her succinct style, offers a rare insight into one’s personal mission. Stand by to take notes, for it is often in the re-reading of a session that I’ve discovered the depth of her shared wisdom.

Readings: Mariah is the most accurate energy reader I have ever met. I’ve been working with Mariah for over 12 years, and her talents for perceiving reality on all dimensions with such clarity, goodness, and sense of humor keep enhancing my life and self-growth. Highly recommended to overcome fear and recover clarity in any aspect of your life.

Caren (software technical writer)

Over the many years that Mariah has given me readings, I’ve been awed by the loving clarity of the beings she channels. If I ever doubted the existence of a spiritual realm, her readings have removed all doubts. Over and over, she has revealed truths hidden from me and several of my friends. She reveals what I already know but hadn’t known I knew until she spoke them to me. Through me, she reads my daughter, my partner, my boss. She understands my quest to live with awareness and encourages me on the path. I’ve grown to love her dearly.

Roberta, Phd

I have known Mariah for over 30 years and during all that time I’ve had readings with her. The readings never cease to amaze. The Guides have a way of reflecting back my subconscious -sometimes the collective consciousness – in ways that deepen my self-understanding and help me to open.  I always come away from a reading profoundly grateful for the Guides, Mariah’s years of service, and her deep human wisdom.

Paula, Traditional Reiki Teacher/Practitioner

For more than twenty years, Mariah’s light-hearted readings have helped me navigate the sometimes tumultuous life journey with clarity and deep wisdom. I leave readings with new perspectives, more than my own limited earth mind would find on its own. As a reader, she fosters independence and encourages us to integrate complicated social and spiritual situations, always with humor.

Niki, Artist/Photographer

Mariah has been my guiding light for more than a decade. She has an extraordinary gift that has helped me to see and live in my own light. Her caring and gentleness make this growth process easier for me, my family, and my community.

Gordon, Sr. Account Executive (retired)

I heartily recommend Mariah Martin as counselor, therapist, life coach, psychic, friend. I have been following Mariah’s advice and counsel for over 40 years. She has provided valued guidance for my career in engineering and sales and for my relationships with spouse, children, family, and co-workers.  Mariah’s advice is not directive but has led me to discover options as we discuss my approaches to issues and the possible motivations of those involved with those. issues. With her help, I’ve been able to arrive at courses of action that have been appropriate and that have worked well.  I don’t believe you can find more compassionate, gentle, more intuitive counsel than Mariah Martin. 

Linda, Artist/Educator

That little jewel of a book, “Light Beings We Speak, The Light Beings Guidance on Human Consciousness”, written by Mariah Martin. Any page will strengthen your belief. I believe. 

Muriel, Esenci, Art Therapist, Healer, Artist

Professional mentoring: Mariah’s clear perception and tools of awareness knowledge enrich my practice with clients and deepen my understanding and capacity to hold their processes and growth as well as my own.

Karen, Grant Writer

Mariah and the guides have been my true light path for over 20 years. With their love and support through coaching, my life has become more positive.

Sabra, Artist

Over the years, I have had many wonderful insightful readings by Mariah. She easily grasps my struggles and calms my fears, helping me heal. Mariah’s intuitive readings always touch upon my soul in a way that I can receive the information gently, learning ways in which to grow and expand my journey.

Linda, Psychotherapist

Mariah Martin has been reading for me for the past 25 years. I would not be where I am in my life today were it not for these extraordinary sessions, particularly with regard to the relationships in my life. She is a true gem.


The meditations on your website have helped me enormously. They’ve helped me become much more grounded and helped me establish boundaries more easily. I used to feel so “porous”; but these meditations have changed that. Thank you so much.

A. Therapist, Writer

I do a monthly reading with Mariah. It serves as a profound spiritual guidepost. Mariah’s work has improved my relationships with my children and shepherded me through adverse situations. Most of all, it has taught me about how to manifest my soul. My gratitude is immense.

Sas Carely, Director of Life Energy Healing School

I have been doing spiritual readings and healing since 1982. Mariah is my teacher.

Tyler, Teacher

Mariah’s readings help heal the mind, body, and spirit in a holistic manner. She keeps things positive, light, and fun, leaving you with clarity, a plan of action, and a smile; I would recommend light path coaching to anyone seeking self-awareness, alignment, and balance. The guided meditations make a difference daily in how you approach the world and how the world approaches you.

~ Life Path Enterprises ~

Contact Mariah
